Friday, October 7, 2011

Note to self, stop Googling things

OK I've had the blood test (to check I'm immune to Rubella), now I've got to wait to until Thursday to phone for the results.

Earlier on I decided to Google "stopping Cerezette". Oh bad move. I should know by now I'm just going to get told all about the bad reactions that people have had, because people are more likely to post on blogs/forums about bad reactions to things than good reactions! After reading a few, and feeling a bit worried about the drug and what affect it's had already and could protentially have when I stop taking it, I had to stop myself reading. I won't know how I will react, until I stop taking it. It does seem to be one of those drugs which can affect people in different ways. So far, it's been kind to me, I've had a good relationship with it. Now lets see how my body feels about saying goodbye to it!

I think my body had been reading this blog, because after years of nothing that could really be called a period, I then had a 2 day period. What I can't quite understand.... (stop reading if you want to avoid the grossness...

...Why is it that when sat on the loo: I wipe, there's lots of blood, a put a pad on, a go away for a while, when I return to the toilet, my pad barely shows any evidence of said period, but once again there's plenty of blood when I wipe?! Weird.

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