Wow, it's been a crazy week! Saturday we didn't do a lot, because I was feeling rough a fair bit and because I had to work on Sunday, I wanted to relax and do as little as possible on Saturday!
On Monday I worked 8 until 12.30, then our friends came to visit. We went into town and had lunch together, had a drink in a cafe, then bought cake to take home. The rest of the afternoon we played Munchkin Bites, and slightly mad card game. Then we had something to eat and made our way to the Uni to see a Feeder concert.
Andy and I weren't sure whether to tell , because it's really early, so we decided to see how things went. I was feeling quite rough on and off through the day, but I hid it pretty well. I am so glad that I only get nausea, and don't actually vomit, because at least with nausea there is ways to ease/hide it. On the walk to the concert I was feeling quite nauseous, so I was making the most of the cold air and doing some deep breathing! When we FINALLY got into the venue, about 45mins later than when the doors should have opened, we got a drink. I was wearing my travel sickness bands, but they were pretty useless! After the show we walked back, and then sat around chatting and eating cake.
I decided that I wanted to tell them, so sent Andy a text saying "Should we tell them or not?!" We looked at each other, and it was obvious that he was fine with it, if I was, but who to tell them. I'd been showing photos on my phone, so decided that was an easy way to do it. Unlike some of my friends who would be nosey and just scroll through my photos without asking, neither of them did, so I had to find the photo.
This is the pic that I showed that I showed them. The reaction I got from her was not what I expected. She said: "I've got one of those at home that says 5-6 weeks".
I was VERY shocked! She is my longest friend, we were in the same class in 1st school (there's a photo of both of us sat together, two blonde girls together); she helped pull me through High school, we stayed friends through college; a year doing different things, in different places; through her going to Uni and moving various times...! She was my bridesmaid and I was her matron of honour!
I can't believe that she is pregnant as well, and there's only about a week in it! We didn't think they were ready to have kids yet, because every time the subject of children has come up, they've given us the bluff and made out it's the last thing they want right now! Very sneaky!
It was a very exciting night/early morning! We all stayed up chatting until 1:30am! It is so amazing to be able to talk to such close friends about this so early!
When I finally got to bed that night, I slept very little. It was probably a combination of not enough proper food, frequently enough, the excitement and an upset stomach! I definitely slept between 5-8am, but the rest of the night was pretty unsettled.
That's so lovely that you'll be sharing this journey with your best friend.