... How come there does not seem to be any information given to pregnant ladies before they are 8 weeks pregnant? Now I understand that it's too early for most things, but considering the first trimester of our pregnancy is supposed to pose the most risk to the development of the baby, it means that for some people they'll not know to avoid certain foods/chemicals/cat poo/illnesses!
Yours unhappily, just-pregnant Mum-to-be.
Now I'd like to think I am quite clued up, and am doing my research, but I'm sure there's many out there who don't. So for 2/3's of the 1st trimester, many people don't know that they might be harming the baby growing inside them, by eating something that gives them: salmonellosis, e-coli, toxoplasmosis....!!
I asked on the Period Diary Forum, whether other people had a blood test/urine test at the doctors after the home test. One lady in the UK said she'd got told home test was enough, but was advised about what foods to avoid.
So far, I can't say that my health centre has been all that helpful in terms of information. When I went for a check up before trying to conceive, I got the impression of come back to us in 6 months if still trying and testing anything beforehand wasn't necessary. I asked for the Rubella test, because it didn't want to risk it.
Oh well, Internet, you are my friend. I've also got a pretty good "Practical Parenting, Pregnancy - all your questions answered" book, which is probably a bit out of date (2007), but it was only £1 in a charity shop, and things can't have changed that much since then!
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