Sunday, March 4, 2012

Don't want to be ill

I'm 9 weeks and 3 days along and now on top of the fluctuating pregnancy symptoms/sickness, I now seem to be getting a cold! It started with a tickly cough, which is very annoying, because coughing makes my stomach muscles contract, which invokes the nausea/wanting to be sick feeling! I've done well so far at not vomiting, and I'd really like to keep that record going all the way through this pregnancy!

Last night I slept alone, because dear husband was doing a sponsored event, where he 'slept' rough for the night. I'm glad I found out I was pregnant before I signed up, because I would have had to pull out: no sleep = feeling even more ill than normal. As it was I was at home, in the warm & comfort, but still didn't sleep too well, because I felt ill! This morning DH and I are both a bit like zombies this morning, even though I got more sleep than him! At least he can live on caffeine today... I can't do that, I have to limit my intake!

Off to church this morning. We'll be sat at the back. It's family service, so at least we won't have to stay awake through a offence to the preachers, we're just shattered! Hey, one of our church wardens was the worst culprit for snoozing during sermons and he's someone who I know has a close relationship with God! I just need to stay away from the baby getting christened this morning, who apparently has a rash on her face - if she's infectious, I really don't want it, neither does little one!! Only one person at church knows I'm pregnant, so have to use the "low immunity/feeling ill" excuse instead!

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